Our second rain forest trek was an absolute breeze compared to the first one. To visit the golden monkeys, we approached Volcanoes National Park from a different entry point. We only hiked about 30-45 minutes before we came upon the cat-sized primates.
Like the gorillas the prior day, the golden monkeys didn’t seem to care that we were in their habitat. They just went about their business. You know…their monkey business.
They moved fast and rarely stayed still long enough for really good photographs. But they sure were fun to watch!
Here are some pics of the adorable little critters, and more of Rwanda as well.

It’s different seeing them in their habitat as opposed to the zoo where I have seen them. San Diego has a fabulous zoo and provides a lot of room for the monkeys and gorillas. I would go by myself to just go and see them. Great shots of them. Rwanda sure is interesting. Thanks for sharing!
What we saw was nothing like a zoo. No bars between us and the gorillas. They were in their natural habitat. Although it’s important for people (especially kids) to see wild animals, I’m not a big fan of zoos. It’s okay for endangered species that specifically need our support in that kind of environment. But otherwise, what gives us the right to cage other living creatures?