A Well-Worn Bath

Although the Queen’s passing remained at the front of our minds, naturally we carried on with our journey. Our next stop was Bath, the home of the famous Roman spa as well as the town that has prospered through the centuries because of it.

That water looks luscious! Think I’ll just take a quick dip.

The Romans built the baths, along with a temple, some time around 60 AD. People came from all over the known world to splash about in the soothing waters and pray to whichever god(s) they preferred.

The waters probably could not soothe a missing chunk of head.

In the 17th century, the idea got around that the waters at Bath had true medicinal properties. People began flocking from all over the world again and the town prospered.

The Royal Crescent, an arc of homes erected during the Georgian era for very rich people in Bath.

But really, healing waters? Sounds like a lot of hogwash.

A man and his pet in the Parade Gardens at Bath.

The real reason folks have been going to Bath for two thousand years is for the people-watching!

The ladies of the bath.
More ladies (and gents) of Bath.
A relief found at Bath from Roman times.
This is a drawing of what the relief above supposedly depicts. I’d like to ask those Romans, WTF? But they’re all too busy being dead.
A tomb inside Bath’s Abbey. Not nearly as dead as the Romans, but still pretty dead.

There was also some good people-watching during the local reading of King Charles III’s Accession Proclamation.

Reminders of the Queen’s passing were somewhat more numerous in Bath than in either Exeter or Bristol.

Entrance to the Parade Gardens usually costs 2 pounds.

Bath has been a highly spoken of destination in England for a long, long time. You can add my recommendation to the list. It’s a town with a bit of everything – history, architecture, shopping, and best of all, lots of people to watch!

Fish and chips, Bath-style.
The Abbey at Bath.
The Pulteney Bridge, which is lined with shops on both sides as it traverses the Avon.
These guys were apparently on the way to get their jollies.
Seriously, what’s with the pig?
Oh yeah, since this is a blog about Bath, here’s another couple of pics of the main attraction.
How’d we end up in this idiot’s blog?
I love the can of spray paint.
Rest in peace, your Majesty.

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  1. Dang

    I was there and had a great time. There is a place where you can spend some time in a steam bath and relax nearby. It was great. The steam bath was really in a rooftop that overlooked the city of Bath. I did enjoy it there. Glad you’re having a great time. Coincidentally, I was there when she had her 60 year reign Jubilee. And yes, may she rest in peace.

    1. Craig David Singer (Post author)

      We saw people with wet hair and wearing white bath robes gazing down at us street urchins from the top of a building. We didn’t have a chance to try out that activity. Thanks for reading the blog!

  2. John McHugh

    Had a meeting near Bath a few years ago. Spent a couple of days waiting for my bag to catch up with me. You need to go on to Bristol and check out the works of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, i.e. the Clifton Suspension Bridge over the Avon and the SS Great Briton, at one time, the world’s largest steamship.

    1. Craig David Singer (Post author)

      We spent a day strolling around Bristol. Unfortunately the SS Great Britain was closed that day. But it’s a great city just for walking around.

  3. Joan

    I’m impressed that you resisted naming the drawing about the relief “Throwing the Baby out with the Bath Water!”

    Seriously great blog and wonderful photos.

    1. Craig David Singer (Post author)

      LOL. Perfect title! I wasn’t clever enough to think of it!


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